Hypertension Research Center began working in 1996 as a division of Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center, namely the hypertension unit. Following various research projects and activities performed, this unit was eventually able to obtain the agreement in principle, and be promoted to the Hypertension Research Center. This center has published several articles in domestic and international journals, and held the first international conference on hypertension in Iran in 2011.
General Objectives
A. To develop management of research projects into hypertension
a. To determine research priorities in the field of hypertension, and address the country's global position in terms of cardiovascular indicators
b. To develop research into hypertension prevention
c. To conduct research in hypertension emergencies with the aim to improve performance of the medical team and process of services
d. To develop research projects on the quantity and quality of services provided for patients
e. To form at least three research teams in the first year, to be increased to seven teams by the end of a five-year plan
f. To allocate at least 10% of the research center's budget to fundamental research projects over the first two years of the plan, to be increased to 20% by the end of the fifth year
g. To allocate at least 90% of the research center's budget to applied and epidemiological projects over the first two years of the plan
h. To implement evaluation projects to assess the efficacy and efficiency of the center's research projects through the R&D department
i. To expand the physical space and hardware and software of the research center and laboratory
j. To train and provide human resources needed by the research center in order to improve the research workforce capacity
B. To improve quantity and quality of acceptance in the field of hypertension
a. To increase the quantity and quality of articles published by the center in local and international journals from 10 to 50 articles per year by the end of the fifth year
b. To increase the number of research projects in the quantity and quality of services provided for patients
c. To approve and perform at least five research projects per year, to be increased to 30 per year by the end of the fifth year
C. To promote intra-organizational and extra-organizational participation in hypertension research
a. To perform 30% of the center's research with academic and financial participation of other domestic and foreign research centers over the first three years of the plan
b. To perform 30% of the research projects funded by companies, pharmaceutical industry and manufacturers of medical equipment over the first five years of the plan
c. To raise knowledge of beneficiaries and policy-makers in the health system about hypertension
- Attempting to become one of most active and valid hypertension research centers in Iran in line with 2025 development vision document
- Improving of quality and quantity of researches in order to promote of community cardiovascular health
- Becoming a pioneer center in producing and disseminating New technologies in medical sciences in Eastern Mediterranean Region
- Promoting interactions with industry with aim of research innovation and commercialization
- Developing interactions with international research centers
As a model research-educational center, we are going to be pioneer in maintaining and promoting community health using applied-fundamental researches on prevention, treatment and control of hypertension. Our services will present using professional technologies via:
- Performing clinical and community based research according to population needs
- Planning and performing fundamental researches aimed to determine pathogens, diagnosis and treatment.
- Holding high quality and systematic education programs for different sections of community
- Creating, establishing and promoting the management system
- Financing (internal and external)
- Developing and updating guidelines related to prevention, treatment and control of hypertension
- Acquihiring of new methods and advanced diagnostic and therapeutic technologies in related fields
- Promoting credit of research center in various fields
- Developing a registry database for hypertension patients
All of these affairs will be performed with respecting to Islamic values, medical ethics and social justice.
Hypertension Research Center, Cardiovascular Research Institute, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Reliable and calibrated arm and ABI blood pressure measuring devices, and 24-hour blood pressure monitoring Holter in this center, also patients' access to the center’s clinic services and clinical laboratory.
- Educational services: Admission of students majoring in hypertension for Ph.D. by research program from qualified GPs, nursing MSc, public health MSc ….
- Research services:
- Advice and counseling on theses of medical and paramedical students, and theses of cardiovascular residents on hypertension
- Joint collaboration with other centers and institutions